Debit Card Security Features
Protecting our customers' financial data is a high priority for us. For best practice, you should report immediately any suspicious activity to our Customer Banking Center at (808) 627-6900 or toll-free (800) 272-2566. In addition, you can protect yourself and your information by contacting us when you travel out of state, keeping your ATM and purchase receipts until you verify transactions against your monthly statement, and being aware of your surroundings when using an ATM.
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Contactless payments use short-range wireless technology to securely complete payments between a contactless-enabled card or payment-enabled device and a contactless-enabled checkout terminal. A contactless Visa card is a chip card that has a NFC (Near Field Communication) antenna, which enables close-range payments. When cardholders tap their contactless card at a contactless-enabled checkout terminal (near the Contactless Symbol ), their payment is sent for authorization.
If your American Savings Bank Visa card has the Contactless indicator on it, you can use it to make purchases easily. Using the same trusted security as chip cards, you’ll be able to pay with a simple tap on the contactless-enabled terminal. No need to insert your card or swipe it. When your current card expires, we'll send you a new contactless card. Learn More >
Contactless payments use short-range wireless technology to securely complete payments between a contactless-enabled card or payment-enabled device and a contactless-enabled checkout terminal. A contactless Visa card is a chip card that has a near field communication (NFC) antenna, which enables close-range payments. When you tap your ASB contactless card at a contactless-enabled checkout terminal (near the Contactless Symbol ), the payment is sent for authorization.
When shown on a card, the Contactless Indicator* means the card has the capability to make contactless payments.
When shown at a merchant, it means they accept contactless payments. The Contactless Symbol shows you where to tap their contactless card on the checkout terminal to make a contactless payment. Simply look, tap, and go.
You do not have to physically tap the card to the terminal. However, the card should be close (within 1-2 inches) to the Contactless Symbol .
The checkout terminal reads the antenna best when the contactless card is flat over the Contactless Symbol , not at an angle.
You should hold your contactless card to the terminal for 1-2 seconds. It’s quick!
Contactless payments are easy. You can simply tap your contactless card on the contactless-enabled terminal to checkout. It’s fast and convenient to use in places where you need to pay on the go.
Just like transactions made with a chip card, each contactless card transaction is accompanied by a one-time code that protects the payment information. Contactless payments are secure.
Unlike cash, contactless payments let you keep better records of all your purchases. You can still do everything they would do with another debit card, including adding a tip, getting cash back (if available), and more.
Contactless payments use the same NFC (Near Field Communication) technology as mobile wallets, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
You can tap to pay wherever they see the Contactless Symbol at checkout.
Millions of merchants around the world accept contactless payments, including fast food restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, and more.
Yes. Contactless payments are accepted at a contactless-enabled checkout terminal displaying the Contactless Symbol . If you don’t see the Contactless Symbol, you can still use the contactless card at an EMV checkout terminal by inserting the chip or at a magnetic stripe terminal by swiping their card.
Yes. You can use your contactless ASB card where Visa is accepted by tapping it at a contactless-enabled checkout terminal where they see the Contactless Symbol , inserting the card into an EMV chip terminal, or swiping it in a magnetic stripe terminal. In fact, many countries have already adopted contactless payments.
Yes. ASB’s Contactless debit cards are safe for a number of reasons:
- Each transaction is accompanied by a one-time code that securely protects your payment information, just like with a chip card.
- Cardholders can’t pay accidentally. Their card or device must be within 1-2 inches of the contactless-enabled checkout terminal for the transaction to occur (and they won’t be billed twice, even if they accidentally tap twice).
For every contactless transaction, a transaction-specific, one-time code is created that secures the cardholder’s payment information. The code cannot be re-used by fraudsters even if they were somehow able to get ahold of it, the information would be useless to them.

Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) Chip technology offers you advanced security for in-store payments by making every transaction unique. It only stores information needed to complete and process your purchase, such as the card number and expiration date. Therefore, your chip card makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to counterfeit or copy.
Please note - ASB ATMs that are enabled with EMV card readers will hold EMV Chip Cards in the card reader until the transaction is completed. This is similar to making a payment at a store checkout where the card is inserted in the payment device until the transaction is completed and you are instructed to remove it. If the card does not have an EMV chip and it is active and has not expired, it will still work, and the ATM will prompt you to remove your card and continue your transaction.
How does the chip work:
Every time you use your EMV chip card at a chip-enabled terminal, the chip generates a one-time use code to complete the transaction. This code reduces in-store fraud because the original code cannot be used again and new codes are difficult to counterfeit. Chip technology will not be able to prevent data breaches from happening, but it does make it harder for criminals to successfully use any stolen card data.
Your new chip card contains both a chip and a magnetic stripe, so you can use your card anywhere in the U.S. that Visa is accepted. Chip-enabled terminals are the general standard in many foreign countries in Asia, Europe, and South America so you can more readily use your new card abroad, however we recommend that you carry an alternate method of payment (such as the local currency) as an emergency backup.
At chip-enabled terminals, you will be prompted to insert the chip end of your card into the terminal (chip faces up). Leave your card in the terminal and follow the prompts on the screen. You may be required to sign or input your PIN. When the transaction is complete, remember to remove your card and take your receipt.

If a merchant does not have a chip-enabled terminal, you can simply swipe your card’s magnetic strip and use as before. You can also still use your card at ATMs. Simply continue to insert your card into the ATM as before.
No, your ASB chip card cannot be used directly for contactless payments because NFC technology is different from chip technology. You can still load your ASB consumer debit chip card to ApplePay.
*The Contactless Symbol and Contactless Indicator are trademarks owned by and used with permission of EMVCo, LLC.
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