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Introducing Our New Financial Checkup

ASB April 18, 2019 | 5 min read N/A

How often do you really think about your financial goals? Do you know if you’re on track to reach them? Managing your finances while also trying to plan for the future doesn’t necessarily come second nature to all of us. Fortunately, there’s no need to figure it out all on your own. At American Savings Bank, we know that financial planning isn’t always easy, especially here in Hawaii. That’s why we’re here to help you get your financial planning on track!

The first step to securing your future financial goals is to know where you stand today. Just like a physical checkup at your doctor’s office, our new Financial Checkup lets you check the health of your current financial situation. Read on to learn how our Financial Checkup can get you started on reaching your financial goals.


Using a quick online quiz, our Financial Checkup reviews your current saving, spending, and financial planning habits. The quiz is only 9 questions long and quick and easy to complete. You’ll be asked questions on topics such as retirement and budgeting. The Checkup then analyzes your answers to determine your financial health.

Once you’ve completed the Financial Checkup survey, you’ll be given a score out of 100. A higher score indicates that you’re on the right path with your financial planning. A score somewhere in the middle likely means you’re ready to take your financial planning to the next level. Lower scores provide an opportunity for you to get started on saving and planning for the future. We get that while living in Hawaii is a wonderful experience, it can be financially challenging. The goal of the ASB Financial Checkup is to help you learn where you’re at and how you can improve your financial situation over time.

asb financial checkup result


It’s super easy to see where you are in meeting your financial planning goals with our Financial Checkup. Don’t worry; we’re not going to make you sign up for anything to get your results! In fact, you should be able to answer all of the questions on our short financial survey without needing any resources like bank statements or other documents.


Your financial goals and needs might be unique, but you’re not alone if you worry about money or are concerned about your financial health. Unfortunately, living in Hawaii comes with a higher cost of living than other places. Our ASB Dream Team understands the struggles that come with living in paradise. When you use our Financial Checkup, you’ll get customized recommendations for financial resources based on your answers. We’ve divided our helpful articles, calculators, and banking services into four main categories: Managing Your Money, Preparing for the Unexpected, Borrowing Wisely, and Saving for the Future.


If your Financial Checkup answers reveal that you could use some help planning and maintaining a budget, we have resources related to money management. From text alerts to online bill pay, we offer resources to help you understand where your finances are, even when you’re on the go. Use our tools to create a budget that helps you stay financially healthy.


Life isn’t always predictable, and sometimes those unpredictable moments can be costly. Even the wealthiest person may not be able to afford an unforeseen expense or life change if they don’t prepare for the unexpected. Luckily, our Financial Checkup provides you with the resources you need to plan ahead for almost any situation.


Knowing your credit score and staying up to date on any potential changes can help you improve and maintain it. The better your credit score, the more likely you are to get desirable rates on loans like personal lines of credit or a home loan for first-time buyers. Our resources for borrowing wisely show you how to build credit, increase your score, and leverage credit wisely for the big purchases in your life.


Sometimes life feels like it’s flying by. As you approach various life events, your savings needs will likely change. Your financial plan should take these changes into effect. If your Financial Checkup indicates you need help saving for life’s big moments, we’re here to help with resources tailored towards growing your savings.

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Financial planning doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. The ASB Financial Checkup lets you answer a few “yes” or “no” questions about your financial situation to get information and encouragement tailored to your financial needs. Check out the Financial Checkup today to get started on reaching your financial goals.

Note: Please be aware that the effect of inflation over time could have an impact on your savings plans.